Should you Become a Child Psychotherapist?

Free video

Find out more about the work of a psychotherapist, career options and what challenges await you

🕒 0.5h 📶 No knowledge required

If you love or study psychology, this video is perfect for you. It will introduce you to the profession of a child psychologist and expand your knowledge of the fields of psychology.

We will be speaking about:

  • Career journey of psychotherapist
  • The skills and traits required for success
  • Different career options in psychology
  • Whether the work of a psychotherapist is for you
  • Impact you can have on the lives of children and their families

Your instructor

Monika Perkowska

With MA in psychology and over 12 years of experience in the field of child psychotherapy, Monika helps new and aspiring therapists develop necessary skills to grow their practice. Her unique method, Safe Relationship™, combines knowledge from various therapy trends and concentrates on resolving real-life challenges faced by therapists. She is a proud member of APA and SEPI, which ensures her work is based on credible sources and the best standards and practices.

Thank you for being here!

As a psychotherapist specializing in children and adolescents, I prioritize using effective techniques to help my patients. With years of experience, I have gained the ability to teach and write about these techniques. Integrating various trends in psychotherapy allows us to take a more comprehensive approach to patient care. Although it may require more effort, the benefits are well worth it. At the beginning of my career, I was constrained by rigid protocols and techniques found in books. However, with each session and each new patient, I came to realize the importance of creating a personalized approach to psychotherapy. This led me to develop my own reliable set of techniques, collectively called the Safe Relationship method.

Elevate your practice

No matter if you’re a fresh graduate or an experienced therapist, it's equally essential to understand the benefits of building a healthy therapeutic relationship. Establishing a professional structure for psychotherapy sessions and adjusting therapeutic techniques to individual needs can greatly improve your confidence as a mental health professional.

Frequently asked questions

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No, the video can only be accessed through our website. However, you can download all additional learning materials that come with the course.

All courses have their CEU hours equivalent listed. Please check with your local board or program provider to see if these courses earn you additional credit.

The main language of our courses/training videos is English. For some videos, closed captions in Spanish and Hindi are available.

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No, but all courses have a free limited time demo. This allows you to see what's in the course before placing an order.

For most courses, some level of professional knowledge is required. A background in psychology is not necessarily required - social workers, teachers, and educators may also find useful information in our training videos. The course difficulty and prerequisite knowledge are specified in the course description.

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The course difficulty and prerequisite knowledge are specified in the course description.

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